With the development of MPRS® we implemented the approach to redefine the problem of availability and quality of warm mix asphalt and hot mix asphalt in small quantities for repair and maintenance works on our roads. All potential users of the system, especially communal road service depots, road maintenance departments and construction companies, do acknowledge exceptionally high interest in testing and applying the innovative system.
This road maintenance system provides an opportunity to produce and apply hot mix asphalt for durable repairs in a mobile way and independent from any weather conditions.
MPRS® – “warm mix asphalt and hot mix asphalt (WMG and HMG according to H RepA) for a durable systematic maintenance”
MPRS® consists of the ready to use asphalt mix Pave Repair and a mobile mini batch mixer. MPRS® allows maintenance works at roads and traffic areas of all load categories.
- Mobile mini batch mixer AK 20 and AK 50
- 12,5 kg bucket Pave Repair
Please find below some documents as download files.
Offprint article in Asphalt 7/2019
Repair asphalt as warm mix according to H RepA
Small repairs on traffic areas are part of the structural road maintenance. It is necessary to preserve or restore the traffic safety. Beyond that, maintenance measures like patching potholes should protect the substantial condition of the pavement and protect it from self-expanding damages. So it is mandatory to effectively repair any damages directly after detection even in smallest dimensions. The practical operation …… (only available in german) Read on in the german download PDF [6,1 MB] >>
UNGEWITTER – the maintenance journal
The maintenance resistant winter pothole
An obsolete phenomenon!
Small damage spots or cracks in pavements, which can form a pothole very soon will become a labour-intensive job for road maintenance staff within the winter season. The road damages are a result of neglected road infrastructure over years, more and more overstrained by especially increasing heavy traffic …… (only available in german) Read on in the german download PDF [2,8 MB] >>